There are perhaps many possibilities, but having your stored procedures for, say, the Users table, in order when you view then in *whatever* product,
(SQL Server Management Studio, Visual Studio, plain old Windows Explorer), you're using to maintain them is a definite plus for me.
All Users table stored procedures are together visually, for you, the coder. The same goes for all other tables.
What was finally decided upon was this:
First off, do NOT prefix your stored procedure names with "sp_". This may be old reasoning, but it definitely was a thing, at least at one point.
The eventual solution, which I feel I can defend all night long?
"p_" + TableName + "_" + Action
- p_Users_Get()
- p_Addresses_Update()
- p_UserPreferences_Insert()
- p_Users_ListGet()
Notice the last one: I also favor, (for the "Action" portion of the name), Object + Action.
Dunno, just makes more sense to me rather than p_Users_GetList().